November 11, 2015

The smell of you!

Right at every break of dawn..
As she sniffs between a yawn;
grins n' giggles, her cheeks rosied
'cause that's your tang she is hooked on.

Trickling droplets off her skin..
The redolence she's adorned in;
a calm fills her head so deep
'Cause of the fervour she's drinkin' in.

Ceaselessly, she traces nothing new..
Her beats now dance she never knew;
Wondering what's so arcane n' rare?!!
That. My love! Is the smell of you!!


May 17, 2015

Evanescent glory!!

Just when she started to believe in the bitterness of lemon tea..
It got sweeter!!

It was only love that she seeked cocooned in her gloom, maybe gone astray..
Carved in her soul forever!!!

June 7, 2014

In the backyard of green lushness...

Submerged in Artic water, she savored inside the flavor of fire.
Quenchless ashes kindling her childish desire.
She soon perished to the sweet hymns of lies n' mysteries
while the world envied her..O vanity! Such a mystifier!!


June 4, 2014

Walk 'that' walk n' awaken alive!

In trance I lingered!
Gathering long lostness as my skin tingled.
A hideous hazy world it was...
With lips faking smiles unnumbered.

In trance echoed my vitals!
As I burned the bridges before any unfit arrivals.
My soul so scarred sipped wines piquely...
Nestling stabs as they were laurels.

In trance I preserved my sanity!
'cause freedom has its price n' so does slavery.
Pay with pleasure or tears this instant...
Clearly this moment is gonna live till eternity..!


March 30, 2014

Cradle to grave...

Mooning over the stars that shone...
In the basket snug as a bug;
IT wasn't frightened
of the shadow n' the noise!
Instead...It savored the sweet sad 'joys'.

As HE begun the vigilant walk...
Along the labyrinthine path of life;
He wasn't frightened
of the thorns and the rain!
Instead...He relished the pleasurable 'pain'.


March 22, 2014

'Cause even colors fade to grey n' stars vanish...

I was once a majestic bird.
With the beauty so beguiling
With my voice very vivacious;
With the color of champagne
n' my feathers flying free.

The sky was my world
n' I could flee far flung...
Till the end of rainbow.
But I stayed so stuck;
I knew not why...

The beauties grow dim.
The voices tone down.
The colors achromatize.
The feathers shake up.
And here I was the 'victim'!

Ere long, I was torn apart...
In pieces. Yet at peace.
They mourned my mortality.
Only she knew...I was a feather now.
Alive! Adorning her dream catcher..!


February 1, 2014

If our illusional fantasies came true!!!

Unclouded happiness.
Naked beauty.
Romeo love.
N' musical romance.
Perhaps they are all just comforting confusions!

Skins n' bones.
Eyes n' souls.
Perchance self is an illusion too!
So let's bolt the 'self' in a room of mirrors;
n' let the moonbeam reflect n' not shine.

'Cause if you felt the texture of life
o' occupied space in the dust...
The world would laugh at You!!
n' You'll be left smiling at its shallowness.
Then why not pretend n' stay masked..!

The mirrors better be broken.
The sunshine better be faded.
Since, once it becomes brighter; 
the reality will be sour.
Albeit reality maybe an illusion too, sour to bitter.


January 27, 2014

The meet!

Journeying upriver against the current

manifests the beauty in such resfeber,
only when the ends meet.

'cause hopefully THE moment boasts of impeccability!


January 22, 2014

Maybe you do exist!!!

Your mesmerizing voice to your favorite number
The way you look before falling into deep slumber
Those unknown fantasies that make you wonder
You don't know, But I'm noticing.


January 12, 2014

Steal a heart! Anyways, you're gonna die...

Is it a temporary insanity?!
O' does it give a happy-high?!
Do you know the definitions?!
N' the rules we need to abide by??!!

Apparently its not you!
N' maybe its not me either...
Its not even the blithesome aura 
we happen to create together..!

It's beyond all imaginations...
It's about wearing your torn tees;
N' the first sip of your scotch
that instantly puts my brain at ease! 

It's more...It's when 
you devour my handmade mac n' cheeze;
that's been perfectly burnt.
Yes! 'love' is a mystifying disease!!! 


January 9, 2014

Dark pick..!

The laughters are..meaningless.
Smiles...just over hyped.
And. Happiness...fictive.

The universe is...a mighty player.
And. Maybe. 
We. All of us. Stay convinced.
That. simply true.


January 3, 2014

She was 'the' kite...

The kite yearned to soar aloft;
torn yet inspired!
Who knew destiny had its own intent?!!
bewitched it stuck on a tree long expired...

The wailing kite veiled fiery passion;
lusting to soar aloft!
But destiny knew it would conquer the world,
so burnt with envy; gentle n' slow...

Howbeit the kite still soared aloft;
till its strings fancied free!
Now destiny savored the grievous sight,
while the kite fluttered, stuck in the lifeless tree...

Soon, the kite withered in ugly shades...
Owing to the falling rains, the vibrancy did fade...
It still soared full of pep, with proud n' prettiness!
Today, destiny envies its tornness n' brokenness.


December 31, 2013

Is your silhouette just a fiction?!!

Those clenched fists and white knuckles
n' your silhouette stuck in my fantasies...
Why am I convinced that you are nearing?
It makes me restless n'
oh so neurotic!

Just stop stopping...
n' start starting...
Make the walking faster;
here I await your arrival..!

Would you pause, maybe for a second..?
I want to catch up on my breaths;
o' I might pass out..!
I see my skin experiencing goosebumps...
Oh! It just makes me neurotic!

Time's flying...
n' I'm inside crying...
Those warm tears of loss;
n' soothing tears of happiness..!

And everything everywhere stands still!
My world seems to have stopped,
maybe starting anew...
After having waited for an eternity;
Oh! I'm so hopelessly neurotic.

Who knew how to swim me afloat..?!
If only you could do it;
I'll survive, lost in your shadows...
Living with the assurance that I wont drown.

-- G

December 14, 2013

Petering out...

Gazing at those skyscrapers, I urged to know;
If they would tear apart the skies one day...
or be burnt to ruddy ashes with raging fires beneath..?

N' where would I be on that particular day?!!!
Still fluttering high to touch the skies...
stuck in the winds of time..!?!

O' will I 'be', anyway?!!


October 19, 2013

To sweet escape...where the dots connect..!

Take me away...To the shining stars!
I would wish upon that tiny twinkle...

Take me away...To a safe haven!
'cause that's where I've never been...

Take me away...To the flowing rivers!
I refuse to sink in the deepest waters...

Take me away...To the beautiful darkness!
Maybe that will whisper the silent clues...

Take me away...To another brand new dawn!
'cause that's when I'll be born again; unwearied..!!
