September 10, 2013

Veil of turning leaves..!

What do you imprison behind that veil..?
Oh! You enticing sultana..!
Is that a secret in the walls that enclose you?!
Break away...The world here awaits..!

What do possess behind that veil..?
Oh! You Goddess of gloom..!
Is that a dash of darkness that overwhelm you?!
Break through...The healing lights beg..!

What do you embrace behind that veil..?
Oh! You divine beatific image..!
Is that a memory that makes the line hard to walk?!
Break lose...Your runaway love knocks..!

What do you withhold behind that veil..?
Oh! You anxious mare..!
Is that a chorus of shivers that enchain your ankle?!
Break free...Even the quiet winds croon..!

What do you cherish behind that veil..?
Oh! Thee highborn royalty..!
Is that a playing reel of thy past life?!
Break apart...Cross that bridge...Life begins anew,today..!
