June 14, 2013

Awaiting your "YES"!!!

Will you grow old with me?!?!
For the sake of young times to be,
Reminiscing the beauty tenderfoot;
Will your eyes illuminate brightly???

I wonder if its more of a command;
Or a nod that I seem to demand... 
I envisage its going to be wacky,but my darlie!!
Victory comes when you face the music unplanned. 

I swear not to nag in times hell bothersome,
Not to shake a li'l, be it spring o' autumn!!
Except I fear imagining you gone...
If you see me spine-tingling gruesome.

These young times will fade so soon,
With love around in each other's cocoon...
And when the world rubbishes my fragility, promise me;
You will be my walking stick n' yet again play that love tune...

With that dry eye, I'll still sew the button you detach;
Will string along hobbling; be it a medic o' a klatch!
I'll remember your face fighting that Alzheimer's disease...N' read to you
Each page of our love book as I let it unlatch.

I hope you'll not let our wedding vows down;
And your feet will direct you back to your hometown.
My support wouldn't die even when I see you gone astray, but...
The verdict will be yours if its rescue or drown.!.!  

I ponder if you will appreciate those wrinkles on me.
Do I still expect that tender kiss on my nose?!!!
Will you wanna grow old with me?!?!
Please say YES!!! that you would wanna grow old with me...

-- G


  1. This is incredibly awesome... i love the way u choose words.. fantastic!!! "See I always knew u have the knack to write well" waiting to read more

  2. Thank u sooo much baby...
    U remain the credit holder!!!
